Well, you had to know it was too good to last. You had to know Nelson Figueroa was not the second coming of Cy Young. After a great pair of starts to begin his career as a major league New York Met you had to know that he couldn’t keep it up (a la Tyler Clippard). A man I still laugh about after watching him drop off the radar after one impressive start against the Mets. But, the Cubs also have a very, very good line up with a better heart of the order than most people give them credit for. But 5 innings 3 earned is not that bad but once again it is the bullpen who not only has proven their ability to lose leads but also proving their in-ability to keep the Metropolitans in game. This is potentially a bigger issue. And I have started to feel the same way about Aaron Heilman as I used to about Armando Benitez- a ton of talent but he just can’t put it together.
But, on a more positive note since my last post, the hitting has picked up and Reyes has retained that infectious smile and love of the game. All in all the Cubs are a good team so a two game sweep is not a disaster. Over the next three days the Mets will play the Nationals, a team they must beat 90% of the time if they want to be a World Series contender. Once again, I am not yet worried about the state of the bullpen but if they don’t pick it up panic may set in.
Click here to see the full box score of today's game
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