Pedro WHO? That is all I could think as I watched Oliver Perez mow down Marlin hitter after Marlin hitter. Now of course, typical Mets when they need 5 runs in a game they score 4 but when they need 1 they score 13 the bakers dozen, but how can you complain after a 13-0 win. Also Ryan Church really shoved it in the face of the fan at a spring training game I attended in which after a weak Tim Hudson ground ball the fan yeld out “Hey Church, he hits like you”, dropping two bombs and leading the Mets to a 2-0 win. Now all Church has to do is teach himself to hit righty, you know, just to balance out the order a little. My only question after this game is why uses Wagner? It’s not like he’s in mid-season form and you don’t want him to cool off or get stale. He hadn’t thrown a pitch yet. Why not save him so he’s at 100% for the Braves series? Given, he will probably be back to snuff by then anyway but the whole move doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense to me. But a win is a win is a win. Now if we can finally win a series against the Braves before August we might be in better shape down the stretch. Series starts on Friday with John Maine against Tim Hudson.
click here for a box score of the game
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