Both of my
Mets Maniac fans
I will be back next season a bunch of things caused me to stop this season but rest assured I'm still cheering for the Mets and hope you are to.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Why Bother

If your team name is not the Braves I have a question for you. Why would you even play the Mets? Just give them two of 3 and move on. Honestly, why even bother? Today the Mets beat the Giants 4 to 2 with all of the games runs coming in the 1st two innings. Wagner got the save. Believe me, I’m not trying to make the Mets into the greatest team ever, because I know and I hope you know that they’re not. But hey, it’s pretty tough to lose games when over the last two series the Mets have won 5 of 6 outscoring their opponents 28 to 17. LETS GO METS
Just Save it For October
TIMLEY HITTING, that is what the Mets need. They had 6 hits the Giants had 10 but the Giants won 3 to nothing. Shutting the Mets out for the first time this year. As far as I see it there were only 3 up-sides to this game.
1) Glavine pitched fine
2) Mota pitched more then fine
3) Zito picked up a win for my fantasy team
But hopeful the Mets are just saving all of their clutch hits for October when Beltran is up with 2 outs and the bases loaded and then bang a shot to the gap, instead of a backwards K.
Armando, Armando, Armando
No better feeling the revenge. That’s all I could think when I was watching this game. Flashes of game 1 of the 2000 World Series darted in and out of my mind as I saw Armando Benitez slowly un-wind. And any real Mets fan knows that once Armando starts to un-wind, he UN-WINDS big time. I have never seen a pitcher balk a runner two bases but hey, he’s Armando and there are firsts for everything. Then after he balked in Jose Reye, I said “this game is over” and what to you know just like that Carlos Delgado, BOOM, his second of the game and all is good it Metsville. However, the next day many people said that Willie needs to stop letting Franco pinch hit like he did in the bottom of the 9th, but to that I say there’s about a 1 to a million chance that that ball he hit turns into an out. But all in all, LETS GO METS!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A Slap In the Face to the Yankees
Sorry for the late posts for the Marlins series but I was on vacation. Pretty much everything was hunky-dory as the Mets broomed the Fish. And Oh yeah the Yankees got swept by the Halo’s moving them to 13.5 back in the division and tied for last place. Isn’t it a bit of irony that the Yankees are tied with the team whose total payroll doesn’t equal the salary of the Yankee third baseman? Lets Go R-Days.
Oh Yeah and Mets
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Numbers Don't Lie, Or Do They
I’ve been sitting in front of my TV for a while and I just figured it out. Glavine and Smoltz play golf together and in golf the lower score is better so tonight when the Braves got less hits then Mets but still won it must have been like golf (which Smoltz is better at). But seriously I have never seen a more deceiving stat, every time I look a box score the Mets seem to have about a billion hits but 1 run, but because I’m such a nerd I calculated the percent of hits that score for every team in the NL. Apparently the Mets score 53% of their runners that get hits. You can look below to see the complete list but I guess the Mets are just due to start knocking some runners in. But the other issue is their inability to beat the Braves, which may prove problematic down the stretch, but as my 2nd grade teacher said “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there”. LETS GO METS
Mets- 53%
Braves- 54%
Fish- 54%
Nats- 45%
Cubs- 49%
Reds- 54%
Brewers- 53%
Pirates- 46%
Cards- 43%
D-backs- 48%
Rockies- 46%
Dodgers- 49%
Padres- 51%
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Xavier who????
I really wish I had Xavier Nady right now. NOT!!! I look back on this trade made on July 31 2006 and I want to bow down to Omar Minaya. How in the world did he acquire Oliver Perez for Xavier Nady? Not to knock on Xavier but I will take 6-3 pitcher with lightning stuff over him any day. Also David Wright stayed hot homering in the 5th inning. (must be the shaved head) Once again the golfing buddies will go head to head tomorrow and this time it’s for the series. I don’t want to say this is a must win game for the Mets because it’s only May but it’s as close to must win game as you could have in May. LETS GO METS
Kill Kyle Davies
Kill Kyle Davies, that’s the only solution I can think of if the Mets want to beat the Braves in any series this year. Not only did he pitch a gem going 8 innings and only allowing one run but he also hit a 3 run bomb in the bottom of the sixth. But if the Mets continue to build up these 2.5 game leads in the division they can afford to lose a few here and there to the Braves. To me the Mets biggest problem is that they don’t have timely hitting. For example in last nights game the braves had 10 hits and the Mets had 8 but the Mets scored 1 run and the Braves scored 8. However, if they keep hitting the ball the hits will start to come at the right time. The Maniac ain’t worried, LETS GO METS.
Monday, May 21, 2007
I Hate The Yankees
Games like this are my worst nightmare. I know I probably shouldn’t be upset because the Mets are still in first and the Yankees still aren’t but I have nightmares about pitchers like Tyler Los Angeles Clipard. Even though it’s only one start he is one of those guys that Yankee fans will fall in love with and call him the next Cy Young. But you may say but Maniac all of those guys are always terrible, but that’s why I have nightmares because what if this guy is actually good, what if he doesn’t injure his hammy, what if he starts to show emotion then he will be everything the current Yankees aren’t and people will always remember his first start against our New York Mets. But hey I can already hear the hammy tearing so for the next few days until his next start I should be able to keep myself together. But I shouldn’t complain that much since the Mets are still in first. Lets GO Mets
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Knuckleball From Hell

If you like my site then you might want to look at this book a friend of mine is publishing. It’s a very funny novel entitled “The Knuckleball From Hell”. The Knuckleball From Hell tells the story of a fictional Mets team that is horrendous and been driven into the ground by its bankrupt owner, while the protagonist is a high school phenom who only wants to pitch for the Mets. Unfortunately, he blows out his arm and his career is seemingly over, until he has a chance encounter with a Professor on the lam from chicken wing eating Department of Homeland Security special agents, enabling the kid to join the Mets with a new pitch – the Knuckleball from Hell.
If you’re a Mets fan, like to laugh or just want to by the book because I told you to you should by this book!!
Click here to see the official page
In a game that was all Mets all the way the issue was never in doubt. Except for the back to back jacks in the 8th of Schoenweiss and Wagners brain fart and the fact that Wagner pitched in an almost identical situation last year (up 4 bottom 9 against the Yankees) and blew it. But hey, today they re-cooped and won lockng up the series with the Yankees. This was a great game for any Mets fan because of bunches of reasons.
1) Cano the so-called prospect made 3 errors resulting in 1 run
2) Captain cologne struck-out in arguably the most important AB of the game
3) Glavine got his 295th win
4) The Mets locked up the Shea series
5) The Yankees starter had an ERA of infinity
Lets hope my Maine man can give the Yanks the brrom today. Lets GO METS
Saturday, May 19, 2007
No Tricks This Time

Apologies for the late post but I was watching “Wince” Carter throw away the Nets chances at a title run. But from what I heard of the game and what I watched and listened to it sounded like this. First of all the David Blaine look alike Andy Pettite couldn’t do any tricks on the Mets as he let up one first inning run on a single a walk and sac ground ball and sac fly (that’s what I call manufacturing a run!!) And Oliver must have learned some lessons from Feagan because somebody pick-pocketed the Yankees bats yesterday as Perez went 7 and two thirds innings allowing 2 runs on 5 hits. But the hero of the game was Endy Chavez hitting a 2 run bomb in the fifth to put the Mets ahead for good. Today should be the easiest game of the series for the Mets as Rasner takes on Glavine as the Mets try to extend the winning streak to 4 and push their winning percentage to 667 and possibly move to 3.5 games up in the division. Meanwhile pushing the Yankees down to 5 games below 500 and possibly last place and if that happens the Yankees last place track will be up and running. Lets Go Mets!!
Andy Pettite,
David Blaine,
Endy Chavez,
Thursday, May 17, 2007
1 Out of 3 Makes the Hall of Fame

Jason Vargas struggled today as the Mets somehow beat the Cubbies 6-5. Doing all of this with a starting line up of Chavez, Gotay, Green, Delgado, Franco, Newhan, Castro, Gomez and Vargas. Down 5-1 going into the ninth the Mets rallied which was capped off by Carlos Delgado’s walk off hit. Hopefully Vargas will be better in his next start but even if he isn’t this season the Mets have tried 3 young un-proven starting pitchers in Mike Pelfrey, Jason Vargas and Jorge Sosa and even if Vargas turns out to be a dud 1 out of 3 makes the hall of fame. Now to yesterday’s game that was postponed by a 3 hour 7 minute rain delay and to tell you the truth I had no idea it was on until I was told. But what I did listen to on the radio sounded good as Damian Easley went yard again. Thus giving him 6 homeruns in 64 at bats. Now as the Mets head into the weekend to Battle the 4 train boys I look forward to a 2 out of 3 game series victory as the Yankees continue to stumble. Tomorrow’s game is practically a lock because we have Oliver Perez pitching and they have the David Blaine look a like, (Andy Pettite). Lets GO Mets.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Don't Blame It On The Maine

On a night where the Mets had a chance to secure their lead in the N.L East for the first time in a blue moon they did the exact opposite. Showing very few good signs. A bull-penn that last year was one of the best in the bigs managed to give up 7 runs in only 4 innings, including Schoeneweis’ 5 runs in .2 innings giving him a ERA for today of 67.5 and ballooning his season ERA to 5.63. Ambi Burgos came back up today and didn’t miss a beat going two innings and only allowing one run not to mention only walking one batter. I can’t believe I’m typing this but what a game by Shawn Green, going 2 for 3 with a double and a bomb. But tomorrow should be an easy one as Keyzer Sosa (Jorge Sosa for those of you who haven’t seen the Usual Suspects) takes on Rich Hill.
Monday, May 14, 2007
The Tides They are a Turnin'
Tides are turning. In a game where the Mets trailed nearly the whole way the one man who has been struggling on their team, Carlos Delgado came through with a 2 out bases loaded walk to bring in Jose Reyes in the form of the winning run. Also the Braves lost giving the Mets sole possession of first place in the N.L East. Hopefully the Mets will keep the streak alive (the Mets have won 8 out of 11 and 5 of 6) tomorrow as Cy Maine sorry John Maine takes on Carlos Zambrano. Lets Go Mets
Sunday, May 13, 2007
We should use pink bats every game!
Oliver Perez turned in a dominant performance as the Mets took the rubber game of the series from the Brewers. Meaning that the Mets have not lost a series all year to a team not named the Atlanta Braves. Also Carlos Gomez made his first start and went 2 for 4 with 2 runs and a stolen base. His fielding was also rock solid. However, his one diving catch was overrated because of the four steps back he first took on the ball. But he made the play and that is what matters. Also this was the first game I have gone to of the season and the Mets dominated (So if any rich Mets fan wants to buy me season tickets in hopes that the Mets will win every game I’m at please feel free to email me). Tomorrow we have a Marquis match up as the 4-1 Tom Glavine goes up against the 5-1 Jason Marquis. Lets Go Mets.
Moore better then Pelfrey as Nets Win and Mets lose
Apologies for the late post but I was watching the Nets and Mikki Moore tear up the Cavaliers. From listening to some recaps of the game I attained this knowledge. The Mets were not sharp especially Pelfrey and the Brewers used amazing base running to their advantage. Also my boy David Newhan finally came through, I always believed in you. Mike Pelfrey on the other hand needs to go back to AAA and work on some other pitches other then a fastball. In the mean time the Mets should bring up Chan ho Park to play the role of the old vet who will give you middle of the road starts each time out. In other news I will be at the game today to see Oliver Perez take on Chris Capuano in the rubber game of the series. Lets go Mets.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Why don’t they just play like this all the time?

Why don’t they just play like this all the time? Or in last years game 7 of the NLCS when Jeff Suppan pitched? These were the questions I found myself asking after watching today’s game. An almost perfectly played game for the Mets they were able to take care of the Brew Crew today 5-4. Great pitching by Sosa followed by solid relief and a perfect 9th from Wagner showed all of the Mets assets today as the extended their streak to 3 games. However, there are some things that just don’t change, the sun will rise, their will be 24hrs in a day, I will hate Roger Clemens and David Newhan will get 1 at bat and not get a hit, today he went 0 for 1 dropping his average to exactly 100. Whatever, just along as he doesn’t start again.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Finally the Mets and I are in the same time zone

Finally the time difference games are over and the Mets head back to Shea(with a new haircut). This west coast trip although very awesome may only prove to keep the Mets tied for 1st place in the NL East with the dreaded Braves. However, I’m still not worried because this Braves team resembles the Nationals team from their inaugural year where they started hot but finished at .500. Upon the Mets return to Shea they will play the Brewers in a 3 game series in which I will attend the 3rd game and hopefully see Pelfrey turn in another quality start while David Newhan rides the bench. Lets Go Mets
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Sosa more then So-So it Mets Debut Newhan Still Stinks!!!

Once again this stinking time difference causes me to mush two games into one post. The first game… Sosa more then so-so as the Mets took down the D-Backs 6-2. Going 6 and 1 third innings and allowing just 2. Shawn Green stayed hot going 2 for 4 with a home run as the Mets cruised past the D-Backs. Then we went to game 4 of the series, after giving up a run in the first inning Mike Pelfrey settled down and gave up only one run throughout the rest of the game. However, just to remind him how bad David Newhan really was Willie Randoulph started him. Usually these decisions work out right for Willie (I.E Endy Chavez last year). However, this wasn’t Endy Chavez this was David Newhan who went 0 for 3 today. Not to mention leaving two runners in scoring position. Please, I could go 0 for 3 in a major league game!!! Please Moises Alou come back so David Newhan never plays again!! Tomorrow the Mets play the Giants as they take on the man who decided to play for the Giants and not the Mets, Barry Zito against Oliver Perez. I like our chances as long as David Newhan doesn’t start in which case they may as well but the wax statue of David Wright up there because they both have the same chance of getting a hit, at least Zito might think the statue was David Wright and intentionally walk it. Whatever, Lets Go Mets!!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Damien Easley and John Maine are Just That Good!!
With the stupid time difference making me miss last night’s game, this post will simply entail two games instead of one. First off, the Mets headed into another 4 game series against the Diamondbacks, oddly similar to last years series with the D-backs in which the Mets swept and really set themselves apart from the N.L East. In the first game the Mets won 9-4 just because Damien Easley is just that good. Another clutch bomb for Damien this time a 3 run shot in the top of the 9th to put the Mets up 2. Followed up later on by another 3 run bomb off the bat of David Wright. Tonight the Mets also won but that was kind of understood considering John Maine started. But the Mets gave Maine ample run support off the bat of Julio Franco and Paul Lo Duca. That’s all for tonight, Lets Go Mets!
Click here to get the box score of the first game
Click here to get the box score of the second game
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Not the Wright Stuff but the Right Result

The Mets played (almost) a 100% solid game today. Except for the fielding of Mr. Wright. Although his hitting streak appears to be gone he made two errors today in the field, because he’s usually a good fielder at the hot corner so I’ll stop here and hope he picks it up soon. Another plus was that David Newhan didn’t get an AB today or I should say he didn’t get an AO today (automatic out). Oliver Perez pitched well again proving to be not crap shoot Oliver but more of a, red in roulette, Oliver. For those none gamblers it means he’ll be solid about half the time. Lets hope he can keep that alive for later in the season. Lets go Mets!
Click here to see a box score and summary of the game
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
The Wright Stuff but not the Right Result

This was possibly the least upsetting Mets loss of all time. For a few reasons, one, David Wright finally decided to become the David Wright from last year going 3 for 4 with a home run and a double. Not to mention Mike Pelfrey who gave up 0 runs after the first inning and only received a loss due to one poor inning and a lack of run support. Also my favorite David Newhan grounded out to second to save himself from another K. My only problem with the Mets in this game was that they left 8 runners on, 3 more then the Marlins 5. If they had left 5 runners on like the Marlins did, then this game might still be in extra frames. Also the Mets out hit the Fish 11 to 7 but lost by 3. But the Braves lost too so the Mets stay just .5 games out of first place, and hey, it’s a long season.
Click here to see a box score and summary of the game.
Monday, April 30, 2007
April Numbers

As April comes to a close I will partake in a great sports tradition. The good old “he’s on pace to…”
First the good
John Maine-28 wins
Jose Reyes- 108 stolen bases
Tom Glavine-20 wins
Mets-101 wins
Yankees- 63 wins
Mariano Rivera- 13 blown saves
The Bad
David Wright-0 home runs
Carlos Delgado-81 RBI’s
The Ugly
A-Rod- 98 home runs 239 RBI
As my grandmother Ethel used to say “ good better best, never let it rest, until the good becomes the better and the better is the best” that can be applied here but it would take a lot of typing.
Chan Ho out of The Park
In a game defined by, “you can’t win em all” the Mets decided to get some sloppy play out of the way tonight against the Fish. Not to mention Chan out of the Park’s first start, which hopefully played the role of him getting the rust off. To keep raining on the parade the Braves won sending the Mets back into second. One other thing that I took away from this game was that I now have a least favorite player on the Mets, David Newhan. I’ve never seen a major leaguer with a worse and more pathetic looking swing. He looks like the kid who no one wants on their team for wiffle ball so he becomes the designated fielder. Where was Castro in that situation, I know he’s the only other catcher but they needed a hit there to stay alive and David Newhan isn’t the one to do it. Thank god they play 162.
Click here to see a box score of tonight's game
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Our Maine Man
In a series in which they were expected to win, our Mets came through, (although they decided to make me a little more nervous than I would have preferred), a win is a win is a win and that’s what’s important. John Maine pitched another beaut improving to 4-0 with a 1.35 ERA. Not to jinx Maine or anything but this win puts him on pace for about 28 wins this year, which is needless to say incredible. Despite a lineup that consisted of 3 usually back-ups the Mets found a way to scratch out a win with only 3 hits, by using great pitching and timely hitting to their advantage. To make me even happier the Yankees lost to the Bo-Sox, giving them sole possession of the cellar dweller trophy in the A.L East.
Click here to say the box score and summary
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Old Men And Young Guns Come Through For Mets
A game that was expected to be dominated by the Mets almost turned into a nightmare as the wheels were coming of all over the place, the climax occurring when Willie Randolph got thrown out arguing a call 3 straight blown calls at fist base. There were few games this year that I have been more confident about going into that the Mets would win. However, after Julio Franco drove Endy Chavez in the top of the 9th and then Carlos Beltran and David Wright drove in two a piece in the top of the 12th the Mets found out a way to scratch out what should have been an easy win for the Metropolitans.
DiceK Extends Yankees Cellar Stay
Apologies for the late post but I was watching the Nets beat up on the Toronto Raptors. But listening to the post game show and the 9th inning gave me a feel of how the game went.
• For the first time Oliver Perez pitched like a normal human being (not a gem but not a disaster)
• Matt Chico pitched much better then anyone could have expected
• Austin Kearns’ bomb set the tone and the Mets couldn’t recover.
But my baseball night wasn’t tottaly ruined because the New York Yankees lost AGAIN. Making it their 7th straight and causing me to add another page element to my blog. The Yankees last place track. On this image (on the right sidebar) you can constantly track how many games the Yankees are in last place in the A.L East by. You’re welcome Yankee fans. However, if the Yankees can some how manage to win a game and climb out of the cellar the track will cease to be in it’s spot for that day. However, most educated individuals will tell you the small chance that that has of happening.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Hughes Blues
With a Mets of day I had to turn to my other true baseball love, trashing the Yankees. Getting rocked might be too strong of a term but Phil Hughes got hit hard today by the Toronto Blue Jays. Although I can’t get to excited about Phil Hughes so-so performance because it’s only his first start, but I’m thankful that I don’t have to go listen to my Yankee fan friends tell me the Hughes is the next Cy Young. Not to mention the Yankees losing their sixth straight game as they head into a series with the Boston Red Sox (or green sox, I’m still awestruck after their jersey change). Lets go Bo Sox, keep the Yankees behind Seth McClung and his band of Devil Rays.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Pelfrey's Stock and Tongue Lowered After Defeat

The Mets dropped a tough one today to the Colorado Rockies 11-5. However, this is one of those games where I’m honestly not upset at all over a Mets loss. After all the Yankees didn’t play so they’re still in last place and this start also gave Omar Minaya a good reason to make it so I never have to watch Mike Pelfrey again so that is kind of good. Hopefully Humber will come up and take Pelfrey’s next start, but 2 out of 3 isn’t bad. Also as the Mets go into a series with the Nationals as Oliver “crap shoot” Perez takes on Matt Chico. Who fits into the same ballpark as Seth McClung in that how can you be good with a name like that? But that’s why you play the games.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Cellar Dweller Steinbrenner
As the Mets stay in first place in the N.L East, the Yankees (this is so much fun to write) LOST TO THE DEVIL RAYS AGAIN today putting them in sole possession of the role known only as cellar dweller. Also Wang pitched today for the Yankees so the old “just wait until the pitching comes back” won’t work anymore. Also Derek Jeter got hit in the knee today, which is really sad for me… NOT. Taking him out of the game and forcing Miguel Cairo in. For me it’s still hard to get over the fact that right now the Yankees are behind the Devil Rays, the team with Seth McClung on it. Yes, I know all Yankee fans will say “they were in last place at this time last year and they won the division but this is different. This year A-Rod is playing well so we can’t “just wait for him to come around” (which he didn’t last year) or “the pitching to come back” which it did today and they still lost. So unless Chase Wrong can live up to his name or Kei Igawa starts to register some Kei’s in the scorebook the Yankees could behind the Tampa Bay McClung’s for a long time.
Last place,
Seth McClung,
Tamba Bay Devil Rays,
In the Endy Mets win Easley
Down to their final strike against an all star closer, who do the Metropolitans call up to the dish? None other then pinch hitter and back up second baseman Damian Easley. After two pathetic looking swings, (the kind you see at the end of a T-Ball batting order) and then taking two balls, Easley decided to come up big as he went ya-ya to send the game into extra frames. After one scoreless inning and Joe Smith and Scott Schoeneweis teaming up for a scoreless 11th the Mets came up with another chance to win. After a Shawn Green walk a Valentine sac bunt and BALK, followed by one more walk to Reyes to set the Mets up with 1st and 3rd with two out’s. (Due to a double switch)Endy Chavez came to the plate, and just because he rolls like that, decided to lay down a drag bunt which he of course beat out to give the Mets their second straight victory and sixth out of their last 8. Not to mention the fact that it was only there second one run win of the season. WOW that’s the kind of game that’s gets you pumped up for Mets baseball!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Win Place Show or Yankees

Since last October when the Tig’s finished the Yanks as the Mets swept the Dodgers, today has been the best baseball day. The Yankees lost to the Devil Rays (no not a typo) the Devil Rays, and the Mets beat up on the Rockies. Causing the Yankees to fall into fourth place as the Mets climbed back up into first. Not to mention that the Yankees have now lost 4 in a row (including a broomage by the Red Sox). The Yankees are also just .5 (also not a typo) games out of last place. Meaning that if the Yankees lose tomorrow to the Devil Rays they will have sole position of the cellar. Allowing for unlimited ribbing to all my Yankee fan buddies. All I can say to that is LETS GO D-RAYS!!!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Who Are You and What Have You Done With My Mets
The Mets suffered a tough loss today to the Braves, 9-6. However, somehow I'm not upset. Could it be that Oliver Perez pitched a gem yesterday showing signs of hope for the Mets rotation? Could it be that the Yanks are on the verge of a sweep at Fenway. Could it be that it's only April. The answer is all of the above. Even though the better golfer won today's match up and the Mets played poorly I don't feel depressed at all. They had a tough series but hey that's why they play 162. Tomorrow they face off against the Rockies and John Maine takes on Taylor Buchholz who will be making his first major league start. While the Braves will be taking on the D-Train in Florida. Don't worry Mets fans the Rockies don't have the humidor in Shea and Dontrelle Willis is just a stud, so don't be surprised if tomorrow’s post has 1st place in the title.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Please Sir Can I Have Some More
After a performance reminiscent to Game 7 of the 2006 NLCS. Oliver Perez pitched brilliantly today as the Mets thumped the Braves 7-2. Perez pitched 6 and two-thirds innings gave up just two runs and had 9 K’s. The Mets also scored 7 runs on just 11 hits much better than the ration they had the other night. Jose Reyes back in full form had 3 hits in five at bats and scored twice. As the golfing buddies Smoltz and Glavine face off tomorrow (Glavine seeking his 294th career win) the Mets should be chompin at the bit to take down the Braves again maƱana.
Friday, April 20, 2007
After a disappointing, to say the least, game for the Metropolitans. All I can say if WOW. All though I’m probably over-reacting I struggle to see any good signs in this game other than the 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th. Pelfrey only went 5 but managed to allow 4 runs. This being one of the only Mets games I haven’t watched this year. I was stunned to get home and see for once that the 9 on the scoreboard belonged to Jabba’s Juggernauts and not the good guys. Reyes also made his first error of the year, the first for any part of the middle infield this year. I look forward to tomorrow’s day game in hopes that the sun will shine all of the problems away. But I can’t say I’m confident since in Perez’s last start he couldn’t find the strike zone with a white cane with a red-tip. I still believe because as the great prophet Tug McGraw once said “Ya Gotta Believe”.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
With One Duke out and The Other in Full Form the Mets Cruise Past Fish
With Paul Lo Duca on the bench and El Duque on the hill the Mets looked as good as ever as they dominated the Fish 11-3. However, Lo Duca's hand injury was a blessing in disguise for the Mets in this one as Castro belted a bomb in the 3rd inning and later smacked a two-bagger. While Ramon Castro was making mince meat of the Fish with his bat El Duque was doing the same with his arm, going 7 innings and not allowing any runs after the first inning. Not to mention my jinx worked at Jabba the Hut's crew lost tonight the Cubs as they failed to push a run across giving the Mets the outright lead in the N.L East heading into this weekend and would should be a "rockin'" Shea Stadium, as the Mets take on Larry and Andruw Jones in a battle for NL East supremacy.
Jabba the Hot
As the Mets continue to roll past opponents, winning 4 out of their last 5 and scoring a total of 27 runs in those 5 games. The Braves do to, continuing to stay hot and constantly 1 game ahead of the Mets no matter what the good guys can seem to do. The Braves have been doing all this with a line up of in-patient young hitters. The only conjecture that I can make to the Braves success is their manager Bobby Cox who if commonly called Jabba the Hut. This is the man who won 14 straight divisional titles never with a star-studded cast. However, un-like the Mets the Braves don't dominate games they just win 1 and 2 run games flawlessly. Drawing an eerie similarity to the 2005 Washington Nationals who finished at 81-81 and did not make the play-offs. I’m still confident in the Metropolitans to come through for me but it wouldn't hurt for Jabba the Hot's crew to cool off a little bit.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Maine Battles D-Train
As my predictions for opposing team pitchers continue to be blatantly wrong the Mets continue to be blatantly awesome. Today the Mets tacked on 8 early runs as they rode they’re Maine man right on over the D-Train. In fact, Maine took a no-no into the 7th as the Mets took care of the Fish 9-2. My only bone to pick with the Mets today was the fact that they ripped 17 hits but only scored 9 runs. On days when the good guys are getting 17 hits they need to score more runs. But if the Mets pitching continues to give the old heave ho! To the opposing team’s orders then I see no problem in sight.
Bigger Fish to Fry
As the Mets head in to the sunshine state for a pair against the Fish, I can do nothing but chomp on my fingernails and worry. Not only has Dontrelle Willis owned the good guys on the hill but just ask Jose Lima what he’s done at the dish (for those who don’t know he smacked a grand salami last season). Not to mention his 3-0 record in April. In this series we will also get a good look at the young talent the Marlins have (or claim to have) for the first time this year. All in all it should be a good series for the good guys.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Aloooooooooooou comes Throoooooough in Big Mets Win
Moses, sorry Moies Alou parted the Philadelphia pitching earlier tonight going ya-ya two times in a dominating effort by the Metropolitans. Tom Glavine pithced well earning career victory number 293 and finally Jose Valentin started to come around smacking a pair of doubles. But the two most important things in tonight's game were Lo-Duca's hand injruy, which hopefully isn't serious. And Ambi Burgos the future stud of the Mets bullpen. Not only did he pitch over 100 miles an hour on occasion but also through a splitter to Ryan Howard who last time he saw a Burgos split parked it in the Mets bullpen. Burgos also retired Chase Utlety in the 9th ajust to make sure that the Phillies stayed hitless with runners in scoring position. Anyway , it was a good win for the Kings of Queens as they improved to 8-4 on the year.
Happy Hammy Day
Hold on this isn't the late 90's and I'm not watching ESPN classic so how could this be, Andy Pettite the ace of the Yankee staff. Oh yeah, now I remember, it's the first (and hopefully annual) Hammy Day. On Hammy Day we celebrate all the not so great Yankee Pitching that includes. Mike Mussina and Chien-Ming Wang, not to mention Carl Pavano's forearm. For this years performance of the Hammy Day play the role of the AAA pitchers that comes up and next thing you know all the Yankee fans say he's the next Cy Young will be played by Chris Britton and Chase Wright. It must just be irony that within 24 hours of Chase Wrights first start Tom Glavine will take the hill for the Mets a man with 292 more wins than Chase Wright. I look forward to watching Chase get Chased out of Yankee stadium while in my PIP Tommy Glavine is pitching another chapter in his already impressive legacy. But what's most important right now is that we all just have a very Happy Hammy Day.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Rain Rain Go Away

As the rain continues to come and for lack of a better term "rain on the Mets parade". The Kings of Queens two game series with the Philadelphia Rollins' has been switched to a day-night double header. However, the Kings of Queens look favored as they toss out to the mound Tom Glavine looking for his 293 career win and 3rd on the year. He will be opposed by Freddy Garcia who will be making his first start on the season. Hopefully Glavine will pitch the way he did at the end of the last game he pitched and not catch a bad case of Perezitis or in simple english, inability to find the strike zone. In the other game John Maine should pitch against a TBA starter for the Phils. But don't worry Met fans whenver the pressure mounts just think "thank god I don't have Jimmy Rollins on my team"
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